DHZ Fitness Leg Extension - 41FE7002A
Visit the DHZ FitnessDescription:
The Prestige Pro Series Leg Extension is designed to help exercisers focus on the major muscles of the thigh. Angled seat and back pad encourage full quadriceps contraction. A self-adjusting tibia pad provides comfortable support, the adjustable back cushion allows the knees to be easily aligned with the pivot axis to achieve good biomechanics.
Fully Contracted
● The seat is set at the best angle to ensure that the exerciser can fully extend the legs and fully contract the leg muscles.
● The start position is designed to fit all exercisers and can be easily adjusted. A self-adjusting tibia pad provides comfortable support.
Multi-position Adjustment
● Adjustable back pads allow clients of different sizes to properly align their knee pivots, and multiple starting positions help exercisers choose the optimal motion path length.
● Dimensions: 1425*1165*1528mm
● Weight Stack: 110 kg
Warranty Details:
- Machine Warranty : 2 Years
- Upholstery : 6 Months
- Frame : 5 Years Warranty
- No Of Free Service : 2 times in 1st Year